Reversi [Philip Baltzer].txt 2.1 KB

  2. Reversi is a game over 100 years old, which has become popular recently under the
  3. name Othello. The game is played on a 8x8 square, using two kinds of markers.
  4. In VIP Reversi one player has the open markers and the other player the solid
  5. markers. The score for either player at any time is the total number of his markers
  6. on the square.
  7. How to play VIP Reversi
  8. 1. Load the CHIP-8 interpretor at 0000-01FF
  9. and the game starting at 0200.
  10. 2. Turn RUN switch on.
  11. 3. The 8x8 square will be formed and the starting marker configuration shown, having
  12. two of each kind of marker in the center four locations of the square. The starting
  13. score for each player is shown as 02 above a line of his markers.
  14. 4. Your VIP indicates the player's turn by blinking that player's score and also blinking
  15. a cursor dot in the 8x8 square. A player moves the blinking cursor dot in the 8x8
  16. square by pressing the direction keys 1-4 and 6-9 as shown. (VIPG1-6.JPG)
  17. 5. When the cursor-dot is properly located, the player presses key 5 to place his marker
  18. on the square. You will find that your VIP will not allow you to make a non-valid
  19. play. The only placements allowed are onces for which at least one of the other
  20. player's markers is surrounded between an existing marker of your own and your new
  21. marker being placed. All these markers must be in consecutive positions on the
  22. square and can be in any horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction. Once a new
  23. marker has been placed, your VIP will change all such surrounded markers of the
  24. other player to your kind and change the scores.
  25. 6. Sometimes it may not be possible for a player to make a valid move. If this happens
  26. he must forfeit his move by pressing the "F" key! The game ends when neither player
  27. can play or when the 8x8 square is completely filled with markers. The goal is to
  28. end the game with the highest score. Do not be discouraged if during the game you
  29. seem to be losing because this is a game with dramatic reversals! Develop a winning
  30. strategem and become a champion!!